How to improve thinking and memory with exercise.
Can exercise improve
thinking and memory?

But, what we really want to know is the how exercise can do
such a thing, and then get to the nuts and bolts of how do we harness this
power of exercise?
First, how does it
work? I want to give you three
simple ways that has been show in research in Parkinson's Disease and other disorders such as
1) Increased brain blood flow and health
2) Altered dopamine and glutamate neurotransmission (our key messengers in the brain)!
3) Increased number of brain connections
Now the nuts and
bolts: how do you do this? Again—I
like things in groups of threes—so here you go:
- It takes a big commitment. This is not a magic pill—it takes a lot of hard work and effort to start seeing results:
- Exercise at least 30 minutes
- At least 3x/week
- For 3-6 months
- What type of exercise is going to show you the greatest results? The short answer is—anything that is FUN and going to keep you engaged for a long period of time. But, that may be too simple for you, so again, let me give you some examples from research.
- Skill training: coordination, activities that are new and take a lot of focus
- Aerobic exercise: at a target heart rate and beyond your regular everyday activities
- Resistance exercise: beyond your current every day routine
- Just start. Yes, it does take a lot of exercise, and it does take commitment, but the #1 thing is making a change. And that may mean just 5 minutes of exercise to start.

Petzinger, G.M., et al., Exercise-enhanced neuroplasticity targeting motor and cognitive circuitry in Parkinson's disease. Lancet Neurol, 2013. 12(7): p. 716-26.
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