How to improve thinking and memory with exercise.

Can exercise improve thinking and memory? The short answer is yes! Research has shown exercise to improve executive functioning, memory, problem solving, vision and perception—this list goes on and on! So, if you are like me, and sometimes don’t feel as sharp as you used to (this happened to me after having kids)—exercise is a great way to sharpen your mind. But, what we really want to know is the how exercise can do such a thing, and then get to the nuts and bolts of how do we harness this power of exercise? First, how does it work? I want to give you three simple ways that has been show in research in Parkinson's Disease and other disorders such as Alzheimer’s: 1) Increased brain blood flow and health 2) Altered dopamine and glutamate neurotransmission (our key messengers in the brain)! 3) Increased number of brain connections Now the nuts and bolts: how do you do this? Again—I like things in groups of threes—so here you ...