3 Convincing Reasons Why Adopting a Plant-Based Diet Should Be Your New Years Resolution

*Disclaimer! Before we go any further, this is not another blog post about a fad diet that is aimed at guilting you into changing the way you eat. This is simply a few positive reasons why adopting a whole foods plant-based diet will help you feel amazing! I will also try to avoid using big scientific wording and just give you the most important points. Hope you enjoy! It’s that time of year again where people set New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like me, you love making New Year’s resolutions! If you’re not like me, hopefully this blog post will change your mind! Over the years, I have realized a trend in my resolution setting: The goals that were meaningful to me, I achieved! Simple enough, right? As a physical therapist, health and wellness have always been extremely meaningful to me. This is why I hope to provide you with my three favorite reasons for making one, simple, life-changing resolution this year. When I began adopting a more plant-based diet I go...