
Showing posts from January, 2017

3 Convincing Reasons Why Adopting a Plant-Based Diet Should Be Your New Years Resolution

*Disclaimer! Before we go any further, this is not another blog post about a fad diet that is aimed at guilting you into changing the way you eat. This is simply a few positive reasons why adopting a whole foods plant-based diet will help you feel amazing! I will also try to avoid using big scientific wording and just give you the most important points. Hope you enjoy! It’s that time of year again where people set New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like me, you love making New Year’s resolutions! If you’re not like me, hopefully this blog post will change your mind! Over the years, I have realized a trend in my resolution setting: The goals that were meaningful to me, I achieved! Simple enough, right? As a physical therapist, health and wellness have always been extremely meaningful to me. This is why I hope to provide you with my three favorite reasons for making one, simple, life-changing resolution this year. When I began adopting a more plant-based diet I go

Move better--3 ways to stretch the hip flexors.

Tight hip flexors are everywhere.  But, especially for older adults and people with neurologic disorders, tightness in the hip flexors can really influence movement.  I have had clients who improve their gait speed after a good hip flexor stretch! Most people comment that they can move much more smoothly and with longer strides.  Or, even better, without back pain.   Below are 3 different ways to stretch the hip flexors and between the three of these, you should find one that is doable and feels like a good deep stretch.  Try them out just before you get moving and notice how your movement improves!   Standing hip flexor stretch- -a good one to do on the go, before a walk or other standing exercise. Kneeling hip flexor stretch.  This is my personal favorite because it isolates the muscle so well--less room for cheating. Lying down hip flexor stretch.  This version is great if it is difficult to get in the other positions or you want to do a quick stretch in bed

5 simple ways OT can change your life

For the first time this year, the OT Association of California had a float in the Rose Parade. Did you know that occupational therapists have been helping people regain their lives for 100 years?  On this Centennial celebration of OT, we thought it was the perfect time to bring one of our expert OTs to the blog and have her explain a little bit about how OT can change your life.    5 simple ways OT can change your life: Increase independence-OT is individualized and addresses all areas of your daily life that you are having difficulty with.   We can work on everything from buttoning your shirt and tying your shoes to getting in and out of the car with ease. Develop new strategies-Learn new and effective ways to perform every day tasks, such as a new dressing technique to save time and energy. OT can also recommend adaptive devices to assist you in every way. Improve cognitive skills-In our everyday life, we are constantly multi-tasking. OT will help you to refine skills suc